My apology if this becomes a repost. I accidentally deleted it and trying to recover it. I hope it does not re-syndicate... holding my breath.

This is the latest skin from Step inSide that I mentioned a few days ago but here;s a closer look. As you can see, Ceara comes with a freckle tattoo layer.
There are four skin tones. This one is "Normal"
- 12 eyeshadows (tattoo)
- 3 eyeliners (tatoo)
- 9 lips shades (tattoo)
- brow shape
- Skins with 4 brow shades.
- Skins with and without cleavage
- 5 blush (tattoo) as seen below

The close up pics are my own shape but this pic shows the Ceara shape.
- Ceara Skin & Shape - STEP INSIDE
- Reminisce Jacket & Shirt - ARISARIS
- Cher Blue Jeans - HOT STUFF
- Classic Ugg Boots - JESYLILO
- Hair - Dominique - WASABI PILLS
- Poses - OVATION